Digital Library

Curated by Raúl Lacilla

Troubadours & Trouvères

Troubadour Music by Sigla


Trouvère Music by Sigla

Latin Song

Codex Buranus


Carmina Burana in Other Manuscripts


Other Manuscripts with Latin Song


Notker Balbulus’s Liber ymnorum


Aquitanian manuscripts


Parisian sequences


Textless melodies


Polyphonic Music 850-1200

Musica enchiriadis & Scolica enchiriadis


Winchester troper


Aquitanian polyphony


Other manuscripts with polyphonic music before 1200


Polyphonic Music 1200-1300

Magnus liber organi by Sigla


Motet Manuscripts by Sigla


Other manuscripts with 13th-century polyphony


Music theory

6th Century


7th Century


9th Century


11th Century


12th Century


13th Century


14th Century

Dictionaries & glossaries

Medieval Lexicographical Works




Old French


Old Occitan


Old English


Old Galician


Old Catalan


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Recommended websites

Music Databases


Online Libraries


Classical & Medieval Texts


Medieval Music Iconography


Other recommended databases


Personal Databases and Blogs

The International Course of Medieval Music Besalú offers singers and instrumentalists the possibility of studying the repertoires of monodic and polyphonic music composed between the 11th and 13th centuries.

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