
Dr. Mauricio Molina

Course Director, Musicology, Music Theory,  Performance Practice

Raúl Lacilla

Assistant Director Online Program, Music Theory, Music Notation, Bagpipes, Frestel (Medieval Panpipe)


Cristina Alís Raurich

Assistant Director Onsite Program, Portative organ, Pythagorean Tuning


Jasmina Črnčič

Medieval Vocal Style and Technique

Alejandro Hernández


Martí Beltrán

Citole, Guitern, Psaltery

Claire Piganiol


Octavio Beltrán

Assistant of Percussion Program

Gustav Näsman Olai

Citole, Guitern


Vincent Kibildis


The International Course of Medieval Music Besalú offers singers and instrumentalists the possibility of studying the repertoires of monodic and polyphonic music composed between the 11th and 13th centuries.

With the support of: